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Preventing and Identifying Symptoms of Ear Infections in Toddlers

Ear infections in toddlers can be a painful experience, but with the right knowledge and preventative measures, they can often be avoided. Ear infections can occur unexpectedly, frequently during weekends, or late at night when contacting your pediatrician may be difficult. If your child starts showing symptoms of an ear ...

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Starting Your Fitness Journey: Key Tips for Lasting Success

Starting a journey toward long-term exercise success can feel intimidating, but with the right approach, it can also be incredibly rewarding and enjoyable. Let’s go over some tips to help you create a sustainable exercise routine that fits seamlessly into your life, aiming to improve not just your physical health, but ...

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Spring Safety Made Easy in Three Steps

After a long period of work and school, you’re probably looking forward to some much-needed fun in the sun now that spring has arrived! Before you dive into all that excitement, take a moment to pause, reflect, and consider spring safety. Springtime is not just about embracing the warmer weather ...

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The Risks Associated with Long ER Wait Times

Quality of life matters, especially at the start of the year. This is a time to look at what’s important in our lives, like our relationships, money, and health. Long ER wait times are not just an inefficient use of time; they can also risk lives. Many people plan to take ...

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Stress and Heart Health

Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone. Understanding the link between stress and heart health is important, as stress is a common part of life, but how we manage it can significantly impact our hearts. Stress is a universal experience, yet what triggers stress can vary widely from one person to another. Events ...

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Catching Warning Signs Early: How Diagnostic Tests Can Save Lives

In today’s fast-paced world, staying informed about your health is more important than ever. Let’s discuss how diagnostic tests through CT scans, X-rays, and EKGs can be life-saving tools in detecting early warning signs of serious conditions. With these technologies, understanding and preventing medical emergencies is possible. Did you know your ...

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Have a Heart-Healthy Life: A Guide to Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke

Do you want to live a longer, healthier life? Learn about important factors that can greatly lower your risk of heart attack, heart disease, and stroke. Taking steps to prevent heart disease is important. These are all part of an overall healthy lifestyle and will help you create a solid prevention ...

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Love Your Heart More This American Heart Month

February, known for celebrating love, naturally highlights the heart as its universal symbol. This makes it fitting that February is also American Heart Month, a time dedicated to focusing on heart health and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Honoring American Heart Month February is about more than just ...

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Your Guide to Surviving the Flu Season

Flu season is upon us, and it’s hitting Texas hard. With the CDC reporting elevated influenza activity nationwide, understanding how to protect your family is important. This article offers essential insights and tips to help your family navigate the flu season safely. Avoiding Infections During a Flu Epidemic The annual flu vaccine is your ...

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Top Health Resolutions for the New Year

Every new year, we make resolutions to better ourselves. Yes, the start of the year is a wonderful time for a health reset, and healthy habits can indeed make our lives longer and happier. If you’re not sure how to start living healthier, it’s okay. We’ve put together some easy tips ...

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