Regular Screening Prevents Cervical Cancer

Last year, approximately 14,480 women in the United States were diagnosed with cervical cancer. By identifying pre-cancer or cancer in its early stages, you can increase your rate of survival. When cancer cell growth starts in the cervix, it is called cervical cancer.
When cervical cancer is detected in its early stages, the survival rate is 92%. Many of the symptoms of cervical cancer are synonymous with an irregular menstrual cycle or menopause, making intentional screening increasingly important.
Routine screening can help doctors identify pre-cancers before they become invasive. Keep reading to learn more about how cervical cancer screening can save your life.
High-Risk Patients
Some women may be at an elevated risk for cervical cancer. Risk factors include a family history of cervical cancer, HIV infections, or organ transplants. A woman’s risk of contracting cervical cancer plummets once they get a full hysterectomy.
Preventative Screenings
Medical screenings are used as a tool for the prevention and early detection of cancer. The suggested frequency for cervical cancer screening is based on your age and statistical need. Work with your insurance provider to see what testing schedule will be covered by your insurance plan.
Women should get a pap smear every three years, if they are ages 21 to 29. If this test comes back with an abnormal result, then they should pursue the HPV test for additional screening.
Once you reach the age of 30, women should get a pap smear paired with an HPV test every five years, and they can continue to routinely get a pap smear every three years.
Pap Tests
Pap smears are a test used for the early detection of cervical cancer in women. During this test, the doctor will use a tool to widen the vagina while they insert a brush to collect cells from the cervix.
HPV Tests
When left untreated, contracting human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause cervical cancer. This sexually transmitted disease can be prevented by getting vaccinated or using a condom. By taking the HPV vaccine, you can reduce your risk of contracting cervical cancer.
HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that also can cause cervical cancer. HPV tests can be used to identify the early stages of HPV and cervical cancer. Comparing your history of HPV tests can help medical professionals determine your risk of getting cervical cancer. If your HPV test signals to the doctors that you have cervical cancer, they will create a treatment plan.
Get Cervical Cancer Screening
Whether or not you are a high risk for contracting cervical cancer, working with your gynecologist to set up a routine screening schedule can save your life. When it comes to cervical cancer, early detection is key.
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, January 3). Std Facts – Human papillomavirus (HPV). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved January 24, 2022, from
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Syndromic testing at Physicians Premier: Corpus christi, TX er. Physicians Premier ER. (2019, October 4). Retrieved January 24, 2022, from
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