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Health & Safety Tips

Kidney Stones – When to Go to the ER

Statistics shows that over half a million people each year are rushed to the emergency rooms because of kidney stone problems. Men have been seen to have a higher prevalence for developing kidney stones, but it is the women who have been seen to be more affected by it. ...

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Preventing the Spread of Disease – Tips from Your Physicians Premier, Your Cibolo Texas Emergency Room

Infectious diseases, from the flu to the more serious ones, are caught by exposure to a harmful germ or virus. To keep these infectious diseases at bay, here are the best germ prevention strategies for you and your family. 1. Get vaccinated The Center for Disease Control and Prevention ...

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Your 24-Hour Emergency Care Health Tips: When Stress Becomes a Medical Concern

Did you know that to a certain extent, stress is actually helpful to every single one of us? Stress is a normal part of life. Simply put, stress is our body’s reaction to a challenge or a demand. It serves as a signal for us to react and respond ...

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Corpus Christi ER Tips for Fall: Fighting the Flu Faster

The flu, also called influenza, is considered to be a highly contagious viral respiratory illness. People catch the flu through droplet transmission, meaning the virus is usually transferred when a susceptible person comes in contact with the cough or sneeze of an infected person. It’s likely that a number ...

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Different Symptoms of Heart Attack in Men and Women

Most people believe that heart attack symptoms manifest exactly the same way for all people. While it is true that there are certain telltale signs such as chest pains and shortness of breath, there are important differences that must be noted with regard to heart attack symptoms, especially among ...

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Common Infant Emergencies Every Parent Should Know

The most nerve-wracking kind of emergency would probably be one that involves your infant. It’s very tempting to bring your baby to the emergency room at the first sign of distress, but it’s important to be able to tell the difference between a scare and an actual emergency. Not ...

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Understanding the Different Types of Chest Pain

The occurrence of chest pain has been one of the most common reasons for emergency room visits. However, it must be noted that not all chest pains are the same, and not all chest pains warrant emergency care. This is because chest pains can be caused by several factors, ...

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How Freestanding Emergency Rooms Help Patients

Freestanding emergency rooms, especially in Texas, have sprouted quickly even in just a short span of time. Rightly so, they are now being branded as the “Starbucks of health care”, practically because they are starting to be seen ubiquitously. The freestanding emergency rooms that we see today started in ...

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Dealing with a Trauma Patient

Trauma is the medical term for any injury to the body that can potentially cause long-term problems like chronic pain, disability, or death. It is the 6th leading cause of death and the 5th leading cause of major disability worldwide. Around 5 million deaths or 10% of the total ...

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Where to go: Urgent care or emergency room for migraine

Globally, about 1 billion people are affected by migraines each year. Approximately 30 million of those are from the United States. Generally, women are slightly more susceptible than men, with a 19% chance of occurrence over 11% for the latter group. Although instances of migraines are slightly lower in ...

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