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Emergency Care

Headache: When to Worry

According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 20 adults has a headache almost every single day. So, if you’ve experienced this type of pain recently, you’re not alone.  But if your head hurts often, you may have a few questions and concerns about your health. For starters, what causes headaches? On top ...

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Are You Prepared for the 2022 Hurricane Season?

A hurricane is a serious weather event and should be treated as such. If the correct actions are not taken when storms and hurricanes do strike, the consequences can be disastrous. According to the National Safety Council, tornadoes and hurricanes were responsible for 77 deaths and over 700 injuries in ...

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Hypoglycemia: When to Seek Medical Help

About 34.2 million people living in the United States are suffering from diabetes. The illness has put many at risk of having frequent hypoglycemia attacks. There is a steady increase in demand for hypoglycemia emergency treatment. Hypoglycemia is a condition that lowers glucose levels in a patient’s body. It’s wise ...

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Epilepsy: Risk Factors and How It Impacts People’s Lives

According to the World Health Organization, epilepsy affects around 50 million individuals worldwide. Its rate of recurrence categorizes it as one of the most common neurological diseases across the globe. Living with epilepsy isn’t easy. Research indicates that the risk of premature death can be up to three times ...

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The Importance of Immediate Treatment for Common Sports Related Injuries in Youth

Sports make up an important part of childhood development. It keeps kids active, teaches them how to work as part of a team, and boosts self-confidence. However, activities like basketball, baseball, biking, football, and other physical play can lead to sports-related injuries in youth. Over 3.5 million kids get ...

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Why Early Detection of Breast Cancer Saves Lives

Breast cancer affects around one in eight US women at some point in their lifetime. As a general rule of thumb, women should start screening for breast cancer starting at age forty, unless there is a history of breast cancer in the family. The early detection of breast cancer ...

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Appendicitis: When to Seek Emergency Medical Care

Every year, appendicitis affects 1 in every 500 people, and the risk of infection increases with age. Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, a tube that hangs from the large intestine on the right side of the abdomen. A sudden pain in your abdomen may initially seem harmless. ...

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Know More About Silent Heart Attacks

Did you know that almost half of heart attacks have no symptoms? You won’t be able to recognize that it’s a heart attack. You might not experience shortness of breath or pain, which are commonly linked to a heart attack. Physicians Premier, your Bulverde, TX emergency room, shares important ...

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Medical Emergencies During the Holidays: When to Go to the ER

The holiday season can be crazy, with family and friends coming in, preparing that scrumptious holiday feast, getting your home decorated, and finding that perfect gift. With all the commotion, the risk of suffering from an injury or having an accident increases. When should you visit Physicians Premier, your ...

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Adult Fever: When Should You Seek Emergency Help?

Typically, adults don’t worry about fevers, unless their child is sick. However, kids aren’t the only ones who get fever. Similar to childhood fevers, most adult fevers are harmless and short-lived. It can be draining when your body temperature spikes and it is followed by waves of chills. This ...

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