Back-to-School Health and Wellness Tips

As the summer draws to a close and the back-to-school season approaches, readjusting to a regular schedule can prove challenging for both kids and adults. The key to a smooth transition lies in proactive planning. Start preparing everyone a few weeks in advance to help your child get back on track before school starts.
During this busy transition, it’s important not to neglect essential aspects of our children’s well-being. Nutrition, sleep, immunizations, and emotional health all play important roles in their overall health and readiness for the upcoming school year. By embracing healthy habits and taking proactive measures, we can pave the way for their success and reduce the likelihood of health-related challenges. Let’s prioritize their well-being to ensure a smooth and fruitful school year ahead!
To help you during this transition, we’ve compiled some back-to-school tips for parents.
Teach Good Hygiene Habits
Simple practices such as hand washing, using hand sanitizers, and following protocols during illness can ensure your child’s wellness. Think of it as the car’s handbrake against sudden health challenges.
The most efficient method to prevent spreading germs is through proper hand washing. Encourage your kids to sing the alphabet or the “Happy Birthday” song from start to finish while washing their hands to make sure that they spend an adequate amount of time on this task. Emphasize washing the fronts and backs of their hands and in-between fingers. A hand sanitizer can serve as a good alternative when soap and water are unavailable.
If they don’t have a tissue, teach your kids to cough or sneeze into the crook of their elbow or sleeve to minimize the spread of germs.
Provide Healthy Meals
Offer your kids a range of healthy meal options, including a nutritious breakfast. Students who eat breakfast are more attentive during class compared to those who skip it. Compare it to fueling a car – just as high-quality fuel is required for optimal performance, a nutritious diet is essential for your child’s health and academic success. Prioritize a breakfast packed with protein and complex carbohydrates to jump-start their day.
Additionally, a balanced diet combined with enough rest plays an important role in boosting their immune system to fight infections.
Stay Hydrated
Ensuring your kids stay hydrated with healthy beverage choices, such as water and milk, brings many benefits. Think of water as the oil that keeps the body’s engine running smoothly. Proper hydration helps prevent fatigue, enhances mood, aids digestion and maintenance, and improves brain function.
Try eliminating sugary drinks like soda, sports drinks, and energy drinks from their diet, as they often contain excessive sugar, caffeine, and other nasty ingredients. Too much caffeine can lead to increased heart rates, elevated blood pressure, disrupted sleep, and feelings of nervousness and irritability.
Maintain a Regular Sleep Schedule
A regular sleep schedule is the unsung hero of back-to-school preparedness. Think of it as the engine switch-off and comprehensive overnight maintenance your child needs. Kids need at least 8-10 hours of sleep for optimal cognitive functioning and maintaining their energy levels throughout the day.
In addition, a well-rested mind is better equipped to focus and concentrate during classes, leading to better learning and academic performance. Adequate sleep also helps with mental and emotional well-being, helping to reduce irritability and mood swings often associated with sleep deprivation.
Manage Allergies
Taking care of your child’s allergies while they’re at school is a crucial part of looking out for their well-being. If allergies are not attended to, they could cause unnecessary discomfort and affect your child’s daily performance, just like a car running with a flat tire. Seasonal allergies are estimated to impact up to 40% of U.S. children, often leading to school absences. Even when children do go to school, allergies can still affect their productivity throughout the day.
Symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, and itchiness can disrupt attention and concentration. Food allergies are also common among students. If your child has allergies, make it a point to communicate with their teacher and principal about how to effectively manage these allergies during school hours.
Stay Active
After an active summer, it’s important to maintain movement and physical activity for your kids. Consider it the recess for your child’s body and mind, offering much-needed break and rejuvenation. Since they usually spend most of their school day sitting, incorporating sports and exercise into their daily routine is essential to keep them focused, improve behavior, and encourage a positive attitude.
Consider enrolling your kids in after-school activities if possible. Also, make time for family walks or bike rides and encourage them to stay active. When they see you engaging in physical activity, they will be more likely to follow along and develop healthy habits.
Positive Outlook
Each child has a unique perspective on school, with some enjoying it while others may not feel the same way. It’s similar to the invisible feature of the car’s airbags, providing safety during unexpected situations.
As parents, it becomes important to highlight the positive aspects of attending school. Highlight the friendships they have formed and try to connect their studies to their personal interests.
Above all, be attentive to your child’s feelings. Engage in open conversations about their concerns and fears regarding returning to school, and offer reassurance that both you and their teachers are committed to ensuring their safety and well-being.
Schedule Check-Ups in Advance
Prioritize your kids’ medical checkups. Call your doctor well in advance to schedule a routine checkup before the start of classes. By doing so, you’ll have enough time to address any health condition that could potentially impact your child’s well-being at school.
Immunizations are the protective bumpers for your child’s health. As per Texas law, certain immunizations are required before children can attend school. Make sure your child’s vaccinations are up-to-date.
Stay Current on Health and Safety Guidelines
Health and safety guidelines are constantly changing. We encourage you to set up effective communication channels with teachers, principals, and other parents to stay informed about all the safety measures in place.
At Physicians Premier, your local ER in Ennis Joslin, we know how much you always want what’s best for your children. This is why all our facilities have special pediatric rooms and skilled medical professionals ready to care for your child when needed.
“Breakfast for Learning: Why the Morning Meal Matters,” Healthy Children,
“A Comprehensive Study ofthe Effects ofAllergic Rhinitis on the Performance and Conduct Behavior of School-Aged Children,” University of Wisconsin,
“Positive effects of parental involvement in education,” Learning Ladders,
“Headed Back to School? Healthy Tips for Students and Parents,” UC Health,