Sports Safety Tips

April is National Sports Safety Month! Every Texan has a deep love for sports. Our children are eager to join any form of sports – from football, soccer, basketball, golf, tennis. The list goes on.
This love for sports has an underside, and it lies in the desire to be better, stronger, faster, and the intensity of the workouts. Participating in sports is an awesome way to build character, learn about responsibility, teamwork, and discipline. In addition, it helps reduce some health risks such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, as well as heart disease. However, without proper training and supervision, playing sports can result in an injury. Hence, teaching our youth about sports safety is essential to keep them from harm’s way.
At Physicians Premier, your Bryan emergency room, we typically see kids who have been injured while playing a sport. While some injuries are accidental, others can be easily prevented with proper supervision. Here are some helpful sports safety tips.
1. Get proper rest – Do not let your kids over-exercise. Remember that the body needs time to heal itself and recover. Be sure that your children gets proper rest at least one day per week. It is also advisable to take a minimum of one month off per year from sports training.
2. Equip them with the proper gear – Yes, it can be costly, but getting the proper gear for your child can go a long way in sports injury prevention. Young athletes must be geared up with proper protective equipment which includes mouthpieces, pads, face guards, helmets, shoes, face guards, and eyewear.
3. Hydrate – This is very essential, as some children have difficulty recognizing the signs of hydration. Be sure that they always drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after any sports activity.
4. Flexibility and strength – One of the best prevention methods is to condition the body to withstand sports. Coaches should make it a point to incorporate conditioning exercises before and after sports practice. This will help strengthen muscles.
5. Playing in feasible conditions – Ensure that children only play in adequate conditions. There should be no obstacles, like exposed sprinklers in the playing field.
Where to go in the event of an injury
Physicians Premier, your local Bryan emergency room, admires the drive and dedication of our young athletes. Know that in the event of a sports injury, our emergency physicians are committed to restoring their health. We are open 24/7 for the Bryan community.
Bookmark to find your nearest ER or call (361) 986-0911.
Texas locations include Corpus Christi, Portland, Calallen, Potranco, & Bryan-College Station.