Natural Cold Remedies

Suffering from a congested nose? Persistent cough keeping you up at night? In some cases, you don’t need to reach out for that pill bottle. There are some time-tested cold remedies that you can try at home. However, if symptoms persist or if you have chest pain or trouble breathing, go to your local 24-hour emergency room in Corpus Christi.
Sometimes, your first line of defense can be found in your vitamin store or neighborhood supermarket.
Here are some natural remedies that you can try:
Zinc – is believed to help by preventing the reproduction of viral cells in the upper respiratory system. This mineral works by boosting the immune system. According to the Journal of Infectious Diseases, zinc lozenges may shorten the duration of a cough and might cut the duration of colds by almost three days.
Vitamin C – is found in a lot of vegetables and fruits like red peppers, oranges, and broccoli. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of illness. It works by killing free radicals which are associated with tissue damage so that the body’s immune system can do its job.
Honey – Made from enzymes in bee saliva and flower pollen, honey is rich in antioxidants and has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Consume one to two tablespoons of honey or mix it with green tea or lemon for an added immune system boost. A word of caution, though, do not give honey to infants or very young children. Their immune system might not be strong enough to handle botulism spores.
Ginger tea – has compounds called gingerols that help with inflammation, pain, viruses, and germs. It has been traditionally used for preventing and treating the cold and flu.
Lemon – Trade your morning coffee over a cup of warm water mixed with lemon, especially if you are feeling under the weather. Lemon can be a healthy addition to your cold and cough treatment since it has antibacterial properties. Add honey to help soothe throat irritation.
Garlic – Aside from being a vital ingredient in Italian food, garlic is a potent natural antibiotic. Boost your immune system by chopping fresh garlic and swallowing them whole.
Steam – Steam can do wonders in helping clear a stuffy nose. It won’t help kill the virus, but it will help open the airways and sinuses so you can breathe better. Hold your head above a bowl of steaming water, then breathe through your nose. Setting up a humidifier in your bedroom can also help.
Most colds tend to go away within 14 days. However, it also can wear down your body’s natural defenses and may leave you vulnerable to other health complications. If you have symptoms such as a cough that brings up colored sputum, stabbing pains in the chest, shortness of breath, or fever, seek immediate medical care at your local emergency room in Corpus Christi.