Life-Saving Tips on Poison Prevention

National Poison Prevention Week is observed in the 3rd week of March. Did you know that everyday items found in the house can poison you? They are mostly present in insecticides, cleaning solutions, carbon monoxide, and weed killers. Did you know that there are certain medications that can poison you?
This month, Physicians Premier, your Calallen emergency room, would like to shed some light to this very serious and extremely real threat to our homes and our communities. The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) said that 1 out of 55 poison control centers get a call every twelve seconds.
There are a lot of substances that could potentially be poisonous. Here are some poison prevention tips.
Medication and Drugs
- Never take prescription medications that are not prescribed by a doctor. Simply put, do not self-medicate.
- Do not take medicines with alcohol. This can lead to long-term undesirable side effects.
- Double check your medications before taking them. They could be expired and might have turned toxic.
Carbon Monoxide and Household Chemicals
- Be sure to read the label before using a household product like cleaners or insecticides.
- Do not mix household cleaning products, especially those that contain ammonia and bleach. These could give off toxic fumes.
- When spraying household chemicals or cleaners, make sure that your home is well-ventilated.
- Install cabinet safety locks where you store detergents, household cleaners, or pesticides.
- When spraying chemicals, be sure to wear protective gear such as masks and gloves.
- Install battery operated carbon monoxide detectors in your home.
When Should You Go to the Emergency Room
If you think that you or a family member has come in contact with a toxic substance, but is stable, call the National Poison Help Hotline at 1-800-222-1222.
Go to your nearest Calallen emergency room if you notice any of these symptoms:
Difficulty breathing
- Bluish lips
- Vomiting
- Dizziness
- Drowsiness
- Loss of consciousness
- Double vision
- Heart palpitations
- Seizures
- Muscle twitching
- Skin burns or rash
- Loss of bladder control
All Physicians Premier, Freestanding Emergency Room facilities are fully-equipped to handle emergency poison situations. Help us by sharing this life-saving poison prevention information!