How to Survive Spring Allergies

Who doesn’t love spring? We all get to enjoy fresh air, blooming flowers, and warmer days. However, with spring comes allergies too.
Physicians Premier, your Corpus Christi ER, is ready for allergy season. If you are among the many Americans who experience allergies during this season, so should you!
Spring Allergy – What Causes It?
Those pesky minute airborne particles called allergens are the culprit. They send our immune systems into overdrive, causing the following symptoms: a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, and itchy nose and eyes.
This time of the year, the most common allergens are:
– mold spores
– pollen
– dust
By far, pollen is the main spring allergy trigger. It gets carried into the air by blooming trees, flowers, weeds, and grasses. These small grains get wisped into the air as part of their pollination process.
This process is entirely natural and is necessary for nature’s renewal. Unfortunately, for millions of Americans who are allergy sufferers, this can be a complete torment.
Why do people experience allergies? First, their immune system mistakenly regards pollen as a harmful substance. Second, it overreacts by releasing antibodies to fight it. As a result, they experience those troublesome allergy symptoms
Minimizing or Preventing Spring Allergies
Yes, there are many medications you can take to combat allergy symptoms. However, it is always best to prevent yourself from getting them.
1. Prevention is always better – If you know that you are a spring allergy sufferer, it is best to take your medication before you start showing symptoms. Applying a nasal spray and taking antihistamine can alleviate and reduce the symptoms.
2. Be aware of the local pollen count – Be aware of the local pollen count. This level is higher in the air during breezy days when the wind picks up microscopic grains. During rainy days, the allergens are practically washed away. You can check out the pollen count in your area by entering your zip code here.
3. Turn on the air conditioner – Close the windows of your car, home, and office and turn on your air conditioner. Ensure that the filters are cleaned on a regular basis to ensure that mold and dust do not accumulate in the filters and vents.
4. Avoid the outdoors – We know, this is not the best way to enjoy this beautiful season. However, limiting your time outdoors will help reduce, or prevent the severity of your symptoms.
5. Identify your allergy profile – Pollen from various flowers, trees, weeds, and grass will affect every person differently. See an allergy specialist to identify which types of allergen affects you most.
When to Seek Emergency Medical Help
Anytime you experience severe and sudden symptoms, especially those that make breathing difficult, you should seek immediate emergency medical attention. You could be experiencing anaphylaxis, a kind of reaction that is severe, rapid, and potentially life-threatening.
– inability to breathe well or at all
– hives or rashes in the body
– swelling of mouth and throat
– difficulty in speaking or swallowing
– unconsciousness
– severe asthma
Physicians Premier, your Corpus Christi ER, is fully-equipped with the necessary equipment, medications, and qualified medical staff to manage and control any allergic reaction. We are open 24/7 for the community.
Bookmark to find your nearest ER or call (361) 986-0911.
Texas locations include Corpus Christi, Portland, Calallen, Potranco, & Bryan-College Station.