How to Help Heal Wounds Faster

This blog is intended for educational purposes, and should rot replace a medical diagnosis by a licensed medical professional. If you are in an emergency, please contact your local emergency room.
Wounds can quickly fester and become infected if left untreated or not cared for correctly. Infected wounds can then lead to shock, sepsis, or even gangrene and possible amputation. There are almost 2 million people in the U.S. suffering from limb loss and amputation, and the doctors at Physicians Premier and the emergency room in Potranco want their patients to know how to care for a wound, so it heals faster. The faster a wound heals, the less likely an infection will take hold and destroy the tissues. Follow these tips to help heal an injury more quickly so you can avoid a visit to the Potranco ER.
First, start with a healthy diet. Specific nutrients such as vitamin A, zinc, and vitamin C all speed up the healing process by kickstarting the body’s ability to produce new collagen. Supplement your diet with extra vitamins, and include fresh fruits and vegetables daily into your diet to heal a wound faster.
Keep the wound dressed and clean. An injury that is kept warm will help your body produce new tissue. Also, keeping the wound covered with clean bandages will prevent an infection from taking hold. Debris and bacteria are kept out of the injury when it is covered with sterile materials.
Don’t use antiseptic sprays or washes on a wound. This will hamper your body’s ability to produce new cells. And more than anything, don’t smoke! Smoking constricts the blood vessels, and without proper blood flow to the area, the wound will take longer to heal or become chronic. The ER in Potranco has seen patients get hurt and sick from smoking. The sooner someone quits, the sooner their body can start to heal.
Get regular exercise. Regular exercises will increase blood flow to the wound site and help it heal. Also, ask your Physicians Premier doctor about an alternative to anti-inflammatory drugs if you take them. Anti-inflammatory medications can slow the body’s natural immune processes and prevent the wound from healing faster.
If you follow these tips, you’ll avoid infection and help the wound to heal faster.
Full Medical Disclaimer:
This blog is intended for educational purposes, and should rot replace a medical diagnosis by a licensed medical professional. You should always consult a doctor before performing any actions related to a specific diagnosis or condition. No information on this site should be relied upon to determine what qualifies as an emergency, make a medical diagnosis, or determine treatment for a medical condition. The information on this website is not intended to replace an emergency room visit or a relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice.