First Aid for Snake Bites

Texas is home to only four venomous snakes, but even one venomous snake is one too many. Over 7,000 people in the U.S. are bitten by snakes each year, but according to statistics, only about 500 of those result in death. In Texas, between 1 and 2 people die from a poisonous snake bite every year.
Snakes are hard to see, and even worse, snakes are almost entirely blind. They scare easily and are quick to bite an unsuspecting person. Physicians Premier ER is skilled at treating snake bites, and the following article will cover first aid methods to undertake before you take a snake bite victim to the local Physicians Premier ER for treatment.
While it’s true that only about half of snake bites are ‘dry’ – meaning the snake did not inject any venom into the victim – dry snake bites can still get infected and require treatment to prevent sepsis and shock.
First, get the victim away from the snake. Snakes will make multiple strikes if they are frightened and if the person is close enough for them to make contact. If possible, try to identify the snake by its color, head shape, and pattern so the emergency personnel can give the victim the correct treatment quickly. Call 911, and if there is any restrictive clothing or jewelry near the wound site, remove it.
Keep the extremity elevated above heart level if possible, and keep the extremity immobilized. Clean the wound and cover it with a bandage, but do not flush it. Also, do not give the victim anything to eat or drink since this can expedite the venom’s absorption. Don’t apply ice, a tourniquet, attempt to cut the wound or remove the poison. Also, do not immerse the wound in cold water, for this can necrotize the tissue and is sometimes more dangerous than the snake bite itself.
While a snake bite is traumatic and painful, keep calm while waiting for the emergency personnel to arrive. The medical professionals at Physicians Premier, your Local Emergency Room, Texas are skilled and equipped for treating and curing snake bites and related injuries.