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Dizziness: When to Call Your Doctor

Dizziness: When to Call Your Doctor

Dizziness describes various sensations that differ from person to person. It is common to experience a woozy feeling and lightheadedness at some point, which is considered normal. However, dizziness becomes concerning when accompanied by difficulty walking, double vision, vomiting, or chest issues. If you experience any of these symptoms, we recommend visiting your local Bryan emergency room.

Read on to learn about the common causes of dizziness and when it’s best to visit your doctor.

Could It Be Vertigo?

Vertigo refers to a sudden spinning sensation often caused by rapid head movements or inner ear problems triggered by various factors such as:

Causes of Dizziness

Besides vertigo, other causes of lightheadedness include:

  • A sudden and significant drop in systolic pressure, resulting in lightheadedness        
  • Heart muscle disease
  • Inner ear problems
  • Neurological conditions
  • Low blood sugar
  • Poor blood circulation caused by conditions such as transient ischemic attack or heart attack. Reduced blood flow in the inner ear can worsen the problem

Other possible causes include anxiety disorders, dehydration, migraines, anemia, hypoglycemia, heatstroke, motion sickness, excessive exercise, and ear infections. Although rare, dizziness could also be caused by malignant tumors, multiple sclerosis, brain disorders, or strokes.

Lightheadedness can affect anyone, but it is more common in older adults who are more likely to have underlying conditions that can cause balance problems. If you have experienced episodes of dizziness before, you may be at risk of experiencing them in the future.

How Can I Identify Dizziness?

Dizziness can manifest in various ways, including:

  • Loss of balance
  • Unsteadiness
  • A false sense of spinning
  • A feeling of swimming or floating

These symptoms can worsen when standing, moving your head, or walking, and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

When to Consult Your Doctor

Dizzy episodes can last for seconds or days, and in most cases, they resolve on their own. However, if you continue to experience recurrent episodes of dizziness or have additional symptoms such as high fever, head injury, rapid and irregular heartbeat, blurred vision, difficulty speaking and breathing, hearing loss, persistent vomiting, chest pain, tingling, and numbness, visit your nearest Bryan emergency room. These symptoms could indicate a serious medical condition.

What to Expect

When you visit Physicians Premier, one of our board-certified doctors will perform a basic test to assess your balance and nervous system.

Treatment of Dizziness

The treatment focuses on addressing the underlying cause of dizziness. In mild cases, dizziness can be managed at home. Dizziness may be addressed through medications, therapies, or in some cases, a surgical procedure.

How to Prevent Dizzy Episodes

Here are some suggestions to help you prevent dizzy episodes:

  • Be mindful of your movements. Avoid standing up quickly, as sudden changes in position can trigger dizziness. 
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eating a nutritious diet and getting enough sleep are essential for overall well-being. These practices can help reduce stress levels, which may contribute to dizziness. Take care of yourself and prioritize self-care.
  • Create a safe environment. Make your home fall-proof by removing potential hazards that could lead to accidents. Consider using non-slip mats in areas where stability is crucial, such as bathrooms or near entryways.
  • Consult your doctor about medications. If you experience drug-induced dizziness, it’s important to discuss this with your doctor. They may be able to adjust your dosage or explore alternative medications that have fewer side effects.

Take Charge

It’s important to take control of your health and seek a professional assessment if you experience recurrent episodes of lightheadedness. This proactive approach can help prevent any potential medical complications, such as fainting or loss of balance. Feel free to visit your local Bryan emergency room for an evaluation and for further guidance.


“Vertigo,” NHS,
“Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV),” Mount Sinai,
“Dizziness,” Mayo Clinic,  
“Dizziness,” Cleveland Clinic,