Dealing with a Trauma Patient

Trauma is the medical term for any injury to the body that can potentially cause long-term problems like chronic pain, disability, or death. It is the 6th leading cause of death and the 5th leading cause of major disability worldwide. Around 5 million deaths or 10% of the total death rate are annually attributed to trauma. In fact, it is the leading cause of death between the ages of 15 and 45.
Individuals suffering from any form of trauma—whether minor or major, blunt, penetrating or otherwise—need immediate expert care from medical professionals. While teens and young adults are the most likely to require emergency care like hospitalization from injuries, the elderly have a significantly higher mortality rate. This is because of various psychological differences between the two age groups, specifically, the bodies of the elderly have a harder time compensating for these injuries. This demonstrates the urgent nature of the needs of trauma patients.
Thankfully, the field of medicine has gone a long way in the procedural treatment of both pre-hospital and in-hospital conditions for any trauma sufferer. There is no denying though, that only amply equipped emergency rooms staffed with capable doctors are optimal when it comes to effectively treating trauma.
Pre-hospital methods mainly focus on stabilization techniques that are designed to improve the chances of an individual surviving the trip to the nearest emergency department or hospital. First steps include checking and treating airway obstructions, breathing difficulties, and lack of circulation. Immobilization techniques are also used to minimize the damage to affected areas, like the spine, during transfer. Basic life support techniques and equipment are also used in pre-hospital care.
In-hospital care requires the efficient and concerted management of the suffering individual by various healthcare specialists including nurses, doctors, and therapists. The first step is always to conduct a primary survey evaluating the individual’s neurological status, breathing, airway, and circulation. The attending physicians must endeavor to control immediate life threats or stabilize the patient. Only after this crucial step will the patient be eligible for surgery or a secondary survey.
Whatever the decision path these healthcare providers will take regarding their charge will ultimately affect the long term health, well-being, and quality of life of the individual. That is why it is important to not only have quick response teams for trauma sufferers, but skilled trauma specialists on staff as well.
If you or a a person that you know has suffered trauma and in need of emergency care, head for the nearest Physicians Premier ER. We are open 24/7.