Corpus Christi ER Tips for Fall: Fighting the Flu Faster

The flu, also called influenza, is considered to be a highly contagious viral respiratory illness. People catch the flu through droplet transmission, meaning the virus is usually transferred when a susceptible person comes in contact with the cough or sneeze of an infected person.
It’s likely that a number of people typically experience the flu all year round, but health professionals are reporting significantly more cases of the flu during the fall season. This is why health professionals have regarded fall, especially during October, as the flu season.
In order to be able to fight off the flu, it is first important to know its symptoms. This way, you can provide immediate action and thus lessen its usual duration.
According to WebMD, the symptoms of the flu are:
• Severe aches in muscles and joints
• Weakness or extreme fatigue
• Headache
• Dry cough
• Sore throat and runny nose
• Fever
Take note that having the flu means that you have a virus. In principle, all you have to do is get rid of the virus. In other words, the moment you get rid of the virus, you also get rid of the flu. One way you can combat against the flu is by getting enough rest, drinking lots of fluids, and breathing moist air to ease nasal congestion.
However, it is important to understand that there are moments when ordinary home remedies such as these do not work. In such cases, perhaps the virus is much stronger than usual. During these instances, it is best to get some drug prescription from your doctor.
Also, do take note that the flu can be considered as an emergency condition especially when you have symptoms such as trouble breathing, a fever accompanied by rashes, or the presence of skin discoloration (bluish skin color). Take note that urgent medical care is also needed during dehydration, which is a common aftereffect of having the flu.
Signs of dehydration include dizziness and absence of urination.
In cases of flu-related emergency, you need urgent medical care. The problem is, emergency medical care in a hospital ER can take ages. To make sure that you are treated immediately by an emergency care staff, visit Physicians Premier, your Corpus Christi Emergency Room.
Physicians Premier ER at Corpus Christi is an emergency care center independent of a hospital. This means that at Physicians Premier, we can afford to provide 24-hour emergency care to minor and major emergencies alike.
During a medical emergency, Physicians Premier is your immediate care center.
Do visit our Physicians Premier website, and bookmark the ER locations around Corpus Christi and Portland TX today.
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