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Physicians Premier needs your help. Please sign our petition for The Emergency Room Improvement Act (S.3531). This bill will provide Medicare/Medicaid and Tricare patients better access to emergency medical care through Freestanding Emergency Rooms like Physicians Premier. This would also mean essential, more convenient, and cost-effective patient care, ...

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Back Pain Remedy for Pregnant Women

Pregnant and experiencing back pain? Back pain in pregnancy is fairly common. Your center of gravity shifts, you’re gaining weight, and your hormones are relaxing the tough tissues that connects your joints. To compensate for the forward shift in their pelvis, a lot of women lean backwards, and this ...

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Liver Cancer: Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Prevention

Did you know that liver cancer claims about 29,000 liver per year, or more than 79 Americans everyday? The liver performs many important functions in the body. It filters the blood that circulates throughout the body, and converts the drugs and nutrients absorbed into ready-to-use chemicals. It is also ...

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Joint Pain: What Are Your Options for Relief?

Are you one of the millions of adults suffering from joint pains? You are not alone. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, out of the 54 million adults with arthritis, 43% of them have limitations in movement due to joint pains. There are various conditions that ...

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Is it a Cold or the Flu?

During the colder months, it is not uncommon to come down with the flu or a cold. You wake up coughing, sneezing, your muscles hurt, and you are feeling feverish. Do you have a cold or the flu? The flu and cold symptoms have a lot in common that ...

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