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What is a minor emergency room?

What is a minor emergency room? | Physicians Premier

The world of health care in the United States is somewhat complicated and replete with overlapping jargon on anything from the health care providers, to the practitioners, to the products, and of course to the plethora of medical facilities that have been established to meet the various medical needs of the population all over the country. Freestanding emergency rooms aren’t readily distinguishable from urgent care centers and hospital ERs. Several subtypes of these facilities also exist, like minor emergency rooms, trauma care facilities, and clinics. Some private medical practices even get confused with these clinics because they operate in the same sphere in health care and service the same type of people who have suffered similar instances of emergencies.

How different is a minor emergency room from a full-fledged (either hospital or freestanding) ER? Additionally, what similarities does it have with urgent care clinics and trauma centers?

A minor emergency room isn’t a realistically definite label for a health care facility, and may in fact be used interchangeably with, or be used to refer to other facilities which deal in medical emergencies of a less serious and non-life-threatening nature like first-aid centers, clinics, trauma care centers, and urgent care centers.

As the word ‘minor’ in ‘minor emergency room’ most likely refers to the facility’s specialization in minor emergencies that are not life threatening but require next-to-immediate care like fevers and rashes, minor infections, injuries that require stitches or bone setting, persistent diarrhea, headaches, or sore throats, it is very comparable to an urgent care center. It could in fact be said that the two terms are often used interchangeably, or that one is mistaken for the other.

But as an earlier post discusses, minor emergency rooms (urgent care centers) are pale replacements for fully-fledged emergency rooms. Not only are ERs much more capable in treating injuries and medical problems of any kind, a freestanding ER like Physicians Premier offers immediate medical attention, high-tech diagnostic and laboratory equipment, expert doctors, and comfortable facilities that together make the process of getting well faster and more convenient.

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